but at the point where i was referring back to the "killer rabbit" scene in monty python and suggesting that it hopped right out of bennett, i of course borrowed elmer fudd's refrain, "kill the rabbit" which referred to bugs bunny - at that point in my blogging career i hadn't ventured to distinguish between where the mullah nassr eddin invites us from where i wonder till eulenspiegel might be beckoning, so at the time it was irrelevant that it is rumoured by some that bugs bunny is a "personification" of the mullah - at the time it was mere association. now, however, having pulled bugs bunny out the proverbial hat, things have changed. the rabbit sketch has become emblematic - a comic emblem. if only it had antlers.
in any case, back to the function of humor, consider the transformation of that particular rabbit, for better or for worse, was brought about by the holy hand grenade of antioch for the transformation of being:
somewhat as an aside, going back to that prior post i notice i linked the galaxy song - of course that's like the perspective gurdjieff affords when, in the first initiation, he instructs us to go out one starlit night to measure one's insignificance against the constellar immeasurability. but i was likely looking, even then, to include this:and, still on MP and THG, perhaps it is rudimentary humor, but consider the multiple and shifting i's of the knights who first say ni and want a shrubbery but later become ... become the knights who formerly said ni; and consider the siamese giant who can't agree with himself. and then there's the poor bastard who signed away his liver, albeit he wasn't dead yet.
still, what octaves get played? how can humor be used? what's the function of the fool? it is probably not just laugher, according to ouspensky:
In addition to what he had said about accumulators G. made some very interesting remarks about yawning and about laughter. There are two incomprehensible functions of our organism inexplicable from the scientific point of view,” he said, “although naturally science does not admit them to be inexplicable; these are yawning and laughter. Neither the one nor the other can be rightly understood and explained without knowing about accumulators and their role in the organism. You have noticed that you yawn when you are tired. This is especially noticeable, for instance, in the mountains, when a man who is unaccustomed to them yawns almost continually while he is ascending a mountain. Yawning is the pumping of energy into the small accumulators. When they empty too quickly, that is, when one of them has no time to fill up while the other is being emptied, yawning becomes almost continuous. There are certain diseased conditions which can cause stoppage of the heart when a man wishes but is not able to yawn, and other conditions are known when something goes wrong with the pump, causing it to work without effect, when a man yawns the whole time, but does not pump in any energy.
“The study and the observation of yawning from this point of view may reveal much that is new and interesting.perhaps the unharmonized and undigestable simultaneous ‘yes’ and ‘no’ are two ends of a stick, from whence comes reconcilation? is this related to what "inner laughter" may be?
“Laughter is also directly connected with accumulators. But laughter is the opposite function to yawning. It is not pumping in, but pumping out, that is, the pumping out and the discarding of superfluous energy collected in the accumulators. Laughter does not exist in all centers, but only in centers divided into two halves – positive and negative. If I have not yet spoken of this in detail, I shall do so when we come to a more detailed study of the centers. At present we shall take only the intellectual center. There can be impressions which fall at once on two halves of the center and produce at once a sharp ‘yes’ and ‘no.’ Such a simultaneous ‘yes’ and ‘no’ produces a kind of convulsion in the center and, being unable to harmonize and digest these two opposite impressions of one fact, the center begins to throw out in the form of laughter the energy which flows into it from the accumulator whose turn it is to supply it. In another instance it happens that in the accumulator there has collected too much energy which the center cannot manage to use up. Then eve[n] the most ordinary, impression can be received as double, that is, it may fall at once on the two halves of the center and produce laughter, that is, the discarding of energy. You must understand that I am only giving you an outline. You must remember that both yawning and laughter are very contagious. This shows that they are essentially functions of the instinctive and the moving centers.”
“Why is laughter so pleasant?” asked someone.
“Because,” G. answered, “laughter relieves us of superfluous energy, which, if it remained unused, might become negative, that is, poison. We always have plenty of this poison in us. Laughter is the antidote. But this antidote is necessary only so long as we are unable to use all the energy for useful work. It is said of Christ that he never laughed. And indeed you will find in the Gospels no indication or mention of the fact that at any time Christ laughed. But there are different ways of not laughing. There are people who do not laugh because they are completely immersed in negative emotions, in malice, in fear, in hatred, in suspicion. And there may be others who do not laugh because they cannot have negative emotions. Understand one thing. In the higher centers there can be no laughter, because in higher centers there is no division, and no ‘yes’ and ‘no.’“
And yet, if you should chance to be there among them, you would be unable to prevent the process in yourself of the 'being-Nerhitrogool', that is, the process, which, again there on the Earth, is called 'irrepressible inner laughter ', that is to say, you would not be able to restrain yourself from such laughter, if in some way or another, they were suddenly clearly to sense and understand, without any doubt whatever, that not only does nothing like 'light', 'darkness,' 'heat,' and so on, come on their planet from their Sun itself, but that their supposed 'source of heat and light is itself almost always freezing cold like the 'hairless-dog' of our highly esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin.i don't know where this is going. i don't know why i feel compelled to chart the course of narrative function. i'm not going to jump over my own knees, i have to aim for higher. perhaps the function of an asokh, a muse, as well as a fool, jester, and idiot, are according to a different measure entirely. fuck - where are my feet? while i was typing i lost my feet someone stole my fucking feet!
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