looking it up on line i wonder if even trinity understood when she explained "A déjà vu is usually a glitch in the Matrix. It happens when they change something." as though the glitch occurs when the mechanical forces change - but i suspect the glitch actually occurs when the mechanical laws falter.
You know how it is when you're walking up the stairs, and you get to the top, and you think there's one more step? I'm like that all the time.
- Steven Wright
one more thing - i discussed with a friend whether one impulse becomes it's opposite ... particularly, there's a chart in ouspensky depicting how an impulse, say to be charitable, after a series of deflections becomes it's opposite. i always figured that the nature of deflections, accident, couldn't possibly be geometrically and literally opposite, such as becoming greedy, but, rather, figuratively opposite, for instance, you want to be charitable but become tired or a sculptor. but a "glitch in the ego" experience is in the direction of consciousness and might indeed be "opposite" to my ego's blogging about it.
let's get back to neo for a second, though i don't quite remember the sequence, it was something like his computer announcing he will now wake up. odd enough as that was, his computer then announced he will wake up. odd enough as that was ...
some sort of shock, separation from the expected mechanical progression. recently for some reason or other i was trying to be more contained. at that moment, coincidentally, someone tossed a cigarette butt on the ground before returning indoors to their workplace. my pet peeve is that smokers are tacitly licensed to litter, and if a reader of this blog is one of those licensed litterers fuck you, but i'll assume you're not. probably related to to my momentary trying to be more centered i perceived my moralizing as a movement - indeed this pet peeve of mine was an untrained pet that does as it pleases and "i" follow on it's leash! can something stand apart?
let's get back to neo for a second, though i don't quite remember the sequence, it was something like his computer announcing he will now wake up. odd enough as that was, his computer then announced he will wake up. odd enough as that was ...
let's get back to neo for a second, though i don't quite remember the sequence, it was something like his computer announcing he will now wake up. odd enough as that was, his computer then announced he will wake up. odd enough as that was ...
it's amazing that this can mean something to my neighbor and something on a different scale to me. it's amazing that it might actually contain a subtle truth, perhaps even something higher. i read on someone's blog that "Almost every cliché contains a truth so profound that people have been compelled to repeat it until it makes you roll your eyes. But the wisdom is still in there." i do find many clichés and jokes particularly useful, sometimes brilliant, as though they are time-release messages, or "let he who has ears hear" kind of thing. but it seems that the message has to correlate with a glitch in the matrix, it has to hit one just right. also reminds me of what i think was a monty python sketch about a joke that wouldn't be funny for about ten minutes, though the joke could not be shared because the show ended in just a few minutes, but i always wondered.
if there's a glitch and we're not there to see it we might attribute it to our morning coffee, which might even be true! or to chance or to our efforts or to what not. but if some theme is already at work, such as the Work ideas, i'm guessing, perhaps those glitches will lend themselves to a greater understanding, or to a wake up call.
let's get back to neo for a second, though i don't quite remember the sequence, it was something like his computer announcing he will now wake up. odd enough as that was, his computer then announced he will wake up. odd enough as that was ...
let's get back to neo for a second, though i don't quite remember the sequence, it was something like his computer announcing he will now wake up. odd enough as that was, his computer then announced he will wake up. odd enough as that was ...
it's amazing that this can mean something to my neighbor and something on a different scale to me. it's amazing that it might actually contain a subtle truth, perhaps even something higher. i read on someone's blog that "Almost every cliché contains a truth so profound that people have been compelled to repeat it until it makes you roll your eyes. But the wisdom is still in there." i do find many clichés and jokes particularly useful, sometimes brilliant, as though they are time-release messages, or "let he who has ears hear" kind of thing. but it seems that the message has to correlate with a glitch in the matrix, it has to hit one just right. also reminds me of what i think was a monty python sketch about a joke that wouldn't be funny for about ten minutes, though the joke could not be shared because the show ended in just a few minutes, but i always wondered.
if there's a glitch and we're not there to see it we might attribute it to our morning coffee, which might even be true! or to chance or to our efforts or to what not. but if some theme is already at work, such as the Work ideas, i'm guessing, perhaps those glitches will lend themselves to a greater understanding, or to a wake up call.
anyway, i then again tried to maintain some semblance of presence and it was impossible. i wondered why it was impossible. was it because i already had some idea of what i was struggling for, that the conceptualization was already a perversion of some more innocent attempt? that might factor in, but mostly i don't think that's it. i think the original attempt caught my ego off-guard. perhaps the Work has got to "outsmart" the ego to find a point of entry in the first place - that educates my ego too, and the point of entry will not be available long before the ego owns it. like in the movie, a portal was good for a limited duration before it was found out. and so, for the last few days i've noticed how my thoughts are my ego's self-validation of this very experience. perhaps this is all free association but the notion of "glitch in the ego" seems interesting.
one more thing - i discussed with a friend whether one impulse becomes it's opposite ... particularly, there's a chart in ouspensky depicting how an impulse, say to be charitable, after a series of deflections becomes it's opposite. i always figured that the nature of deflections, accident, couldn't possibly be geometrically and literally opposite, such as becoming greedy, but, rather, figuratively opposite, for instance, you want to be charitable but become tired or a sculptor. but a "glitch in the ego" experience is in the direction of consciousness and might indeed be "opposite" to my ego's blogging about it.
let's get back to neo for a second, though i don't quite remember the sequence, it was something like his computer announcing he will now wake up. odd enough as that was, his computer then announced he will wake up. odd enough as that was ...